| Each ampoule contains 500 mg meldonium dihydrate,
in 5 ml ampoules №10
ATC Code: C01CX, Other cardiac stimulants (Improving metabolic processes of tissue)
The primary mechanism of action of meldonium entails a competitive inhibition of γ-butyrobetaine hydroxylase, a pivotal enzyme in the metabolic pathway of carnitine biosynthesis. According to this biological pathway, meldonium is thought to reduce the endogenous synthesis and biological activity of carnitine. Carnitine plays a pivotal role in transportation of activated long-chain fatty acids to the mitochondria. Therefore, since meldonium ultimately decreases carnitine availability in the cell, the leading metabolic consequences include a shift of fatty acid metabolism from mitochondria to peroxisomes, a reduced formation of long-chain acylcarnitines, and a protection of mitochondrial injury due to excessive fatty acid oxidation and overload of fatty acid end-products.
With a decrease in carnitine concentration under conditions of ischemia, β-oxidation of fatty acids is delayed and oxygen consumption in cells is optimized, glucose oxidation is stimulated and transport of ATP from places of its biosynthesis (mitochondria) to places of consumption (cytosol) is restored.
Particularly important is the ability of meldonium to reduce oxygen consumption at rest, which is considered an effective criterion for antianginal therapy of ischemic heart disease.
The use of meldonium improves the inotropic function of the myocardium and increases exercise tolerance, improves the quality of life of patients without causing serious side effects.
Meldonium optimizes the redistribution of the volume of cerebral circulation in favor of ischemic foci, increases the viability of neurons in hypoxic conditions.
Meldonium normalizes the tone and resistance of the capillaries and arterioles of the brain, restores their reactivity.
SATURID is indicated for the treatment of:
Heart disease and vascular system: stable angina pectoris, chronic heart failure (NYHA I-III functional class), cardiomyopathy, functional disorders of the heart and vascular system;
Acute and chronic ischemic disorders of cerebral circulation;
Reduced working capacity, physical and psycho-emotional overstrain;
In the recovery period after cerebrovascular disorders, head injuries and encephalitis.